On January 20, 2023, ONCARES hosted a heartwarming Lunar New Year event at our office. Seniors and friends gathered, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere. We introduced our company, emphasizing our dedication to senior care.

Our event was about connecting with the community. During our company presentation, we discussed the importance of home care for seniors, sparking meaningful conversations about their needs and concerns. The highlight of the event was getting to know each attendee individually. We addressed their unique care requirements, building trust and rapport. Beyond business, we aimed to become a part of our community's journey towards independent living.

We closed the event with valuable insights from our participants, which will guide our future work. ONCARES and our event received immense love and interest from the community.

We eagerly anticipate our next gathering, where we'll meet more participants, hear more stories, and provide more help to our beloved seniors. Together, we'll continue our mission of compassion, connection, and care.